Monday, December 17, 2012

Advent Day 17 - Treats to the Fire Station

Today was another baking day!  After we picked up Hunter from school, we made fudge and cookies to deliver to our neighborhood fire station.  It's a brand new station that just opened in July, and it is REALLY nice!
The treats weren't cooling well, so we didn't leave the house until 6 to deliver them.  I was a little nervous to go so late because I felt like we would be disrupting their dinner or downtime or something, but they were SO great to the kids.
I think Hunter picked up on my nervousness because he kept saying, "I'm a little scared."  You can tell in the pictures:)...

We got to look all around the fire trucks and equipment...
And then got a tour of the fire station.  They had a room with a ton of leather recliners and a big flatscreen tv...the kids thought the recliners were pretty cool (and comfy!).  And they were making dinner (mac n cheese...both H and Char's favorite!) in the kitchen, which was the next room over, so we got to see all of them huddled in the kitchen.  They all waved and thanked the kids for the treats...they were so friendly!
Hunter seemed kind of unimpressed when we were there, but as soon as we left, he said, "That was so cool!" I asked him why he was so quiet and he said, "I was just a little scared."  Such a sweet boy.
The firefighters were so gracious and hospitable and told us to come back any time.  They were so great with the kids!  We sure are thankful for them!
Our verses tonight were about the Magi....
Matthew 2:1-2 - "After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, 'Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.'"

At dinner we talked to the kids again about how Jesus paid the ultimate sacrifice by becoming a human and coming here to save all of us, and that at this time of year it is important to give to others as he has called us to do.  We talked about how one way to give is to make treats for the fire fighters.  And then I tried to explain that there are kids in the world who don't have money for fun Christmas activities or toys or even food, and the Bible tells us to help take care of them.  So tomorrow our activity will be giving just a little to those less fortunate.  I am so excited about it!  I pray that our little talk helped prepare Hunter and Charlotte's hearts to want to help those kids that have so much less than they do.

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