Saturday, July 5, 2008

Independence Day Pictures

July 4th was super busy (and fun!) for us, so I have plenty of pictures to share! My posts have been so wordy lately, that I'm gonna try to keep it brief...

Independence Day is also my mother-in-law's birthday, so we all went to breakfast that morning and then over to my in-law's house to hang out. Hunter had so much fun crawling up and climbing down the stairs...

Will someone explain to me how it is that my kid refuses to walk on any flat surfaces, but will walk down the stairs? That boy is crazy stubborn...Later that afternoon, we went over to my dad's house to grill out, ride the four wheeler (which I've discovered is not as much fun as it was when I was 10...or maybe it's just that the daily trauma I see at work is beginning to take over my life), and watch fireworks. I also got to learn some new things about cows and post-partum dogs that I would've been happier never knowing...or seeing.(About 2 minutes after this picture was taken, I was jumping off that all terrain vehicle as quickly as possible.)

Hunter was not aloud anywhere near the four wheeler, but he had a great time anyway...

He wasn't really phased by the fireworks my dad set off. I was more jumpy than he was. How dang cute is he?!

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