Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring Break Day 4, Texas Discovery Gardens

We had a super fun afternoon at the Texas Discovery Gardens at Fair Park.  I wasn't sure we'd enjoy it, but it was our favorite spring break activity so far.  We will definitely go back one day! 
First we stopped by the butterfly house...

We learned that they have to keep it warm in there because a butterfly's body temperature is the same as the temperature in it's environment, and if it's body gets too cold, it can't move.  So, they keep it really warm and humid inside the butterfly house.

The kids loved watching the butterflies up close...

Char had a little meltdown at one point because the butterflies didn't land on her, so I told her that if she was more quiet and still, they may come up to her.  Unluckily for me, they didn't.  And you know that didn't make her happy.

Hunter had fun reading little factoids about butterflies...

Eventually Charlotte got over her tantrum and deemed the butterfly house a pretty cool place to visit.  She especially liked this part... 
 I can't remember exactly what this is called.  An enclosure chamber maybe?  Basically, the chrysalides are shipped to the butterfly house and they put them in this box.  When the butterfly emerges from the chrysalis, it stays in here for several hours to give it time to learn to move it's wings....

All of the butterflies that had emerged were completely still...
I guess they hadn't figured it out quite yet;)
When we'd had enough butterflies, we went outside to explore the gardens (after stopping by several tanks of yucky bugs, including giant hissing cockroaches!  Ugh...I shudder just thinking about them!).  First stop was this fun little log.  If you look closely, you can see the top of Charlotte's head through that tiny window...

Then we found a fountain...

And the Shakespeare garden that had Lamb's Ear plants to feel and Rosemary to smell.  The kids loved that part!  The next garden over had these fun wings to pose with...

And lots of butterfly benches...
They also had a picnic area, so next time, we'll be sure to bring a lunch!  It was such a fun outing!  We highly recommend checking it out:)

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