Saturday, August 11, 2007

Does that make me crazy?

Every morning on the way to work I listen to Kidd Kraddick on the radio. Most of the time they crack me up unless James and I are carpooling - on those days they are usually at their worst and NOT FUNNY AT ALL! Next time I should call ahead and let them know I'm trying to convert my husband over from The Ticket so they need to be at their funniest.

Anyway, they do this segment called, "Does that make me crazy?" and they play that Narles Barkley song. You know where he sings, "Does that make me craaaazy? Does that make me craaazy? Does that make me craaazy? Po-ossibly-y-y-y-y-y-y." People call in and say things like, "My name is Sara, and I count all the steps I take all day long in my head to make sure I am taking the exact same amount every day. Does that make me crazy?" Or sometimes you'll get a really crazy person that says something like "My name is Julie, and I keyed my boyfriend's car and popped his tires when he broke up with me. Does that make me crazy?" Mostly they are just funny though. I usually feel really normal at the end of the segment, so I really like it. Who wouldn't like a radio show that has a segment just to make you feel normal? And make you laugh at the same time! I've thought of calling in, but I just worry that they might vote that I really am crazy and I couldn't handle that.

If I did call in I would say, "My name is Carole and I obsess about things all day long. Does that make me crazy?" Seriously I couldn't be more obsessive. I obsess over everything. E-ver-y-thing. For example, I lectured for this graduate school class on Pediatric TBI, and the girl that teaches it wanted me to come up with 4-5 questions for her final exam based on my lecture. It was a lot harder than you might think, so I sent an email to get some of the STs that I work with to help me. I gave them my questions and asked for their feedback. After I sent it I was obsessing about what an idiot I probably look like to them because of the stupid questions I came up with. I couldn't take it anymore so I told the therapists in the therapy office what a nutcase I was being. And you know what? They all started telling me how they were the exact same way.

So the moral of the story is - even when you think you're acting like a psycho, there are probably several of your friends who are the same way or do even crazier things. So share your insecurities and you will totally feel normal and accepted! Feel free to leave me comments of the crazy things you do! I will reassure you of your normalcy!

Hunter says, " My name is Hunter and tummy time makes me feel sad. Does that make me

By the way, I just figured out the formatting. I am so smart.


Katie said...

My name is Katie and I check to make sure that I put my keys in my purse at least 3 times before I will lock and shut my car door. Does that make me crazy?

Ha Ha! Good post Carole!

Trina said...

I do too now that I've locked them in & lost them so many times!

Kim said...

My name is Kim and I lay awake at night worrying about what time my kid is going to wake up to eat while I count the hours of sleep I'll loose by worrying and feeding him.

Carole said...

Y'all aren't crazy!
Kate - I do the same thing with checking to make sure I unplugged my hair straightener.