Tuesday, May 6, 2008

These Days

Hunter's Top Ten lists for the week...
Hunter wants to give a shout out to:
1o. Aunt Courtney - she watches him every morning while I'm at work, and he loves her!
9. pizza - actually pretty much any piece of food he sees - but definitely pizza
8. puzzles...especially throwing all the pieces all over the room, then showing no interest, then racing over to start throwing again the minute mommy has put the puzzle back together.
7. his new favorite toy, a plastic cartidge from his My First Story Reader book
6. sucking through a straw - Yay Hunter! We no longer have to squirt liquid into his mouth like an animal.
5. Sucking on everything in sight. I'm not kidding y'all. When we take the paci away, he sucks on his pointer finger, restraint clip on the car seat (like the entire time he's riding in the car), wooden puzzle pieces, the fork at dinner, the shopping cart handle (Ew. I guess I need to pull out the floppy seat again. I've gotten lazy in using it.) or pretty much anything he can get his hands on.
These are the cartidges from # 7 above.
4. throwing things
3. freaking out when he doesn't get back whatever he threw like a millisecond after he throws it - He especially loves to do this in public.
2. Screaming at ear piercing frequencies and decibels equivalent to the Metallica concert.
1. the beloved paci - no way my kid is going to develop any expressive language if he doesn't loosen that grip a little. He's obsessed. Addicted even. I think we need to hold an intervention.
Hunter has no love for:
10. diaper changes - He thinks it's really funny to crawl away as fast as he can while cracking up when I tell him it's time to change his diaper. Why that kid thinks he can out crawl me, I'll never know. He thinks it's hysterical; until I catch him and start to change the diaper. That's when the real fun begins. And when I go temporarily deaf from the screams.
9. getting lubed up after his bath - He's always hated when we put on his lotion.
8. brushing his teeth - Yes, I'm sad to say this has become a fight. Remember the post when I bragged about how much he loved this? No more bragging. I've learned my lesson.
7. laying down for a nap - It's really not that bad. Once he's down, he talks himself to sleep, but we do have to follow the same ritual as with the diaper changes. See # 10 above.
6. cuddling - This makes me SO SO sad y'all. My kid used to LOVE to cuddle, and I whined and complained that he wasn't mobile. Now he is for sure mobile and doesn't have time to cuddle me.:(
5. keeping things on his high chair tray during meals - everything ends up on the floor y'all. Everything.
4. when he can't get into his toy chest - he just beats on it and screams until I come running. This is a pretty frequent thing, so here's a visual...
3. the church nursery - Those sweet little ladies are so good to him even though he screamed like ALL 3 HOURS on Sunday
2. when I make him wear adorable little outfits like this...
1. the molars that are cutting through his gums - I have no love for this either. It's so sad when he screams out in pain:(


Blake said...

Hilarious - I especially love the outfit he hates. SO FUNNY!

The Rogers Triplets said...

In all fairness that outfit looks like it came straight out of a Wiggles video. Doesn't that octopus wear something like that?

Katie said...

Cute pics! I miss seeing my sweet Hunter on Fridays.

Crazy May Days said...

I am so lazy with my shopping cart thing too...lord knows what germs are all over Molly at the store! I love the fact that Hunter throws puzzle pieces...When Molly does this I consider the retrieval process my form of exercise...does that count?

Carole said...

Okay Stef, you're totally right! The octopus does wear an outfit just like that! I'm cracking up:)

Trina said...

I miss Hunter! Why don't y'all come see me? Or I guess I could come see you?

The Magsigs said...

Don't hate the paci too much. Unfortunately, Luke won't take a paci or suck his thumb, or any other fingers for that matter.