Thursday, June 21, 2007

For Women Only

For real guys, don't read this. Women's issues will be discussed, and you will be embarrassed. James, Matt, Dean, and Dad (especially Dad) this means you. That pretty much encompasses my male following. James, I guess you can read it, since you have to live it.

So now that Hunter is 3 months old I figured that the physical pains related to growing and pushing out a child (and the residual afterpains of soreness and nursing) were over. But this morning, much to my dismay, I encountered yet another to add to my list. For your enjoyment, I have compiled a list for you of all of my pain related to giving Hunter life. Note: this list is inclusive to my situation, I do realize that there are many, many more that many of you have experienced that I am lucky enough not to be able to include. We'll start with pregnancy and go through the current situation.

1. Nausea - most of you know that I got to experience this for 20 weeks. 20 joyous weeks of gagging, dry heaving, throwing up at home in the morning, throwing up in my trash can at work, throwing up at home at night. yay.

2. Heartburn

3. Swelling - I lucked out here and didn't have swelling until the very end of the pregnancy and surprisingly after the delivery

4. Cankles - pretty sexy

5. Backaches

6. Headaches

7. RIB PAIN - most of you also know that Hunter's favorite thing to do in utero was hang out in my ribs

8. Spasms of my intercostal (spelling?) muscles - see above

9. Contractions

10. The After Birthing Soreness - this was definitely the worst for me

11. The first month of breast feeding - those lactation consultants are liars! It definitely hurts at first.

12. The first poop - see # 10

13. The first attempt at "relations" (as my ob/gyn calls it) - some tell me this can last for like 8 months or something. again yay.

14. And now for the latest pain . . . bleeding breasts. Yes, you read me correctly. This morning after I finished pumping, I was bleeding. And they were sore ALL MORNING at work. 2 of my friends have told me this is probably due to my breast shells being too small. Hey Medela, why do you make a standard size when obviously we all have different breast sizes! If I realized that there were other sizes to pick from the beginning I would have purchased the large or maybe even extra large!

Reading back over my list, I know that I have left many out. I guess everyone's right when they say you forget the pain after you see that little bundle of joy! Good thing I love this little guy so much . . . .

Isn't he the cutest thing you've ever seen!


Katie said...

That made me laugh so much that I cried. That picture of Hunter was too cute!!!

Marcy said...

Carole, you are hilarious! I'm sorry to hear about your latest problem... no fun! I hope it gets better right way. Sorry I forgot to call you back yesterday... I'll call you this afternoon!

Trina said...

I love you honey and yes, in time it you do fact, you were the one who caused me the most pain in childbirth and I still love you!!!!!


PS...have you see Court's blog today?

Mrs. Everything said...

Yay! Can't wait to experience all that. I'm glad you can look back and laugh!

The Hunter Family said...

Oh my.... that was so funny- thanks for reminding me- I'd almost forgotten about all that!