Sunday, November 1, 2009

Our Halloween

We went to my sisters' house last night for Halloween. We attempted a family photo before we headed out for our candy filled evening, but either one kid's eyes were closed...

or both were...

And then we lost Hunter's attention...

We finally decided to give it up and let the fun begin!  We figured it was cruel and unusual punishment to make a toddler wait any longer after all of the build up to this night of candy fun.

Our first stop was Nanny's house.  Handy Manny can't wait to start filling his bag...

After Nanny gave us a ton of chocolate we hung out for a while and tried to explain to Hunter that you don't get to eat the candy right when it's given.  He didn't get it...or more likely, he didn't like it.  So Zack decided to distract him with legos...

After Nanny's, we drove back to Kate's house and started trick or treating. 

Our little lamb grew weary of it on the first street so James took her back to Kate's house while the rest of us braved the spooky night!

These people really went all out.  Their front door was open and their entire front room was decorated.  After you walked through, you could get some candy...if you had been brave enough to make it through. 

I'll let y'all take a guess on whether Handy Manny was brave enough...

He gets it from his mom.  There might be a story of a young girl who peed her pants outside of a haunted house once...and she was definitely way past the peeing in your pants age.  And that young girl just might be me.  Maybe. 

James and Cousin Zack got some inside pics for those of us that were too spooked to go in...

H was successful trick or treating at this much less scary house...

and many more after that where they were very generous givers resulting in lots of sugar consumed by our toddler last night. 

We're paying for it today.

Off to hide the candy.

1 comment:

The Ross Family said...

Cute costumes!! Sounds like you all had fun. (Preston loves Hunter's Handy Manny costume)