Sunday, March 17, 2013

You're Six

I found these birthday interview questions online, so we are going to start asking them every year.  It was interesting to sit with Hunter and hear his answers...
1. Favorite color? Blue
2. Favorite toy? Legos
3. Favorite stuffed animal? Bear
4. Favorite thing to sleep with? My bear

5. Favorite fruit? Watermelon

6. Favorite cereal?  The chocolate…cocoa puffs and cocoa krispies

7. Favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Donuts

8. Favorite thing to eat for lunch? Turkey sandwich

9. Favorite dessert? Chocolate

10. Favorite drink? Sprite

11. What do you want to eat for your birthday dinner?  Mac n cheese

12. Favorite animal? Bears and crocodiles

13. Favorite book? Pete the Cat

14. Favorite song? Imagination Movers

15. Favorite game? Ninja game on cool math

16. Favorite TV show?  Ninjago

17. Favorite movie? Star Wars

18. Favorite thing to do outside? Play in the pool in the summer and have water gun fights in the spring

19. Who is your best friend? Zack

20. What do you want to be when you grow up? A builder

I can't believe you're six!  When I met you six years ago, I fell head over heels.  I am honored to be able to call you my son.  I've loved watching you grow into yourself over these past six years.  Some of my favorite things about you are your compassion for others, your sensitivity, and your creativity.  I love to listen to you play excitedly with your have such a vivid imagination.  I love how much you love your brother and sister and how sweet you are to them.  You are such a great reader and writer, and I love to read all of the notes you write to us.  My hope is that you will look back on your childhood and be assured of our love for you and of God's love for you.  As our birthday book says, there's no one like you, buddy, and there never will be again.  You truely are fearfully and wonderfully made...

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