Sunday, September 7, 2008

Cutie McCuterson

I got some really cute pictures of Hunter in August, and I just couldn't deprive y'all of the cuteness.

He loves this mirror in our bedroom, and every morning while we're getting ready, he either hides behind it or beats it to death. I am habitually cleaning off the little handprints. One morning, there were several boxes of Hunter's old clothes out because I had just rearranged them so that we were using less space in the attic. Hunter helped himself to this hat and came in our bedroom looking like this...
The other day I got the dreaded 18 month checklist from the doctor (ironically Hunter's best category was gross motor - I guess all of that worrying was in vain), and one of the items on the list was something like, "Does your child set down a cup without spilling any liquid out of it?" My obvious reaction to this question was, "huh?" What parent gives their toddler an open cup? So here's Hunter's first time ever drinking from an open cup. He was pretty excited...Oh, and all of that water ended up on the floor, so we'll be checking the "not yet" box for that item.

Aunt Courtney took this picture one morning while she was watching Hunter. She said all day he played with random things (like her keys) instead of his toys.

Here he is playing in the gym at church one night. He had so much fun watching the big kids playing. He would get so excited, he'd open his mouth really big, and then cover it like he had just seen something shocking. It was too cute.


Katie said...

He is a Cutie McCuterson! Love the pics!!!

Trina said...

Those photos are great!

Rikki said...

i love the surprise face! that's great!

Brandie said...

I can just tell he is full of life and personality! Adorable pics =)