Tuesday, July 31, 2012

On Your Third Birthday...

Sweet girl, there are not words adequate to tell you how much I love you.  I think the last year of your life has been my favorite so far.  We've had our share of struggles, but isn't that your job right now?  Test your boundaries, push until you know how far is too far, stretch and grow into yourself.  You are well on your way, little one!  I've learned so much about who you are over this past year.  You are becoming the little person you were meant to be...oh, how I pray you will love that person as much as I do. 

God made you perfectly for our family, Charlotte.  You add so much life to us!  You love to sing (as loud as you can in the car...and to your own beat) and dance and practice your ballet moves...always telling anyone around, "watch this!"  You love to take care of your babies and play with your princesses.  You will be such a good mommy one day, my love.  Each little baby in your room (and there are MANY) is so special to you.  You gently carry them around or hand them to me and say, "Be careful" and then tell both of us, "I'm going to Bible study!  See you later!" as you strut down the hall, purse on your shoulder.  You are such a girly girl, just like your mama!

I've loved getting to know the person God made you and I can't wait to see more of her!  God loves you, sweet Charlotte, and He made you unique...there is no one else like you on the Earth.  He has a special plan for your life, and my prayer is that you will seek to follow it and make Him proud.  I know you will...

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