Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Houston, we have a problem.

Not really.  I just really wanted to use that title. 

The girls (aka - mom, kate, me, Char, and Vanesa) plus Hunter and Zack traveled down to Houston this weekend to visit Aunt Courtney.  In one car, y'all.  Yes, we did.  Seven of us humans drove all the way to Houston in one car.  Luckily I rode in the front seat the majority of the time and didn't have to sit in the middle of all that yelling talking.

Courtney and Nathan took us to several yummy restaurants, that of course I don't remember the name of, but I do have some pictures.  The first one had such a cool atmosphere...the walls didn't all connect so it was like you were outside.  Probably because, you really were outside...

After church on Sunday we went to have barbecue...

It was no bakers, but the mac and cheese was good.

After naps that day, we went to see Aunt Courtney's school.  The kids were so excited that we were there all alone...

Hanging out in her classroom...

I guess math isn't Hunter's subject.  He seems a little bored...

After setting off the school alarm - a very exciting experience for the kids! - we went to Cici's and then back to the hotel to rest for the night.

We had a fun little road trip, but were excited to come home to see James.  He was at work when we got here, but I walked in to a clean house and found this in the kitchen...
The kids were thrilled to see the brownies, and I felt so thankful to have such a romantic husband...yes a clean house is definitely a romantic gesture in my book!  One of the best, actually!  I love that he still reminds me why I'm so blessed to have him:)

Can't wait for our next trip to DISNEY WORLD!!! 25 days!

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