Sunday, March 14, 2010


I've had such an emotionally draining couple of weeks, that I've actually been physically exhausted by about 8 pm every night.  So we've been taking it pretty easy when I get home from work...which has been a big change from all of the heavy lifting and family aerobics that is usually the norm around here in the evening.

Instead, we chewed on some plastic tools...

posed for pictures...
(Believe me that's the last smiling face you'll get from that boy.  I do have lots of pictures of his back, though.  He knows just the exact moment to move out of the picture.)

did some more chewing...

neatly arranged all of the puzzle pieces into perfect piles according to category...
(What did y'all expect from our child?  He has zero hope of not being an organized, OCD, type-A fool.)


inching our way underneath the bed...

and playing peek a boo there...

hanging out with friends...
(That one wasn't at night, but Char and her BFF, Evelyn, are so dang cute, I couldn't resist;)).

and just loungin' around...

Hunter's birthday's this week, so the lazy days are over for now.  We can't wait for his big Cowboy party!

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