Saturday, April 25, 2009


My husband loves sports. For those of you that know him well...or know him minimally even..., you realize what an understatement that is. After we had been dating around 5ish months - which was apparently a long time based on James's say his friends:) - his friends would ask if I'd ever watched sports with him, and his good friends would say, "No, have you ever been to a Cowboys game with him?" This was apparently going to be the real test of whether our relationship would last.

Of course I always thought they were being ridiculous. Until. I decided to actually go for it. We were already engaged when we went to our first Cowboys game together, and I have to say I really did see a side of him that I'd never seen before.

My husband has real passion for sports, particularly Dallas or SEC teams, and above ALL teams, he will forever be a fanatic for the Dallas Cowboys. It's quite an experience to sit at a Cowboys game with him, but I promise if you do go to a game with him, you will leave with many funny stories...and maybe some temporary hearing loss if you were lucky enough to sit in the seat right beside him.

When we were pregnant with Hunter we talked about how he needs to tone it back a little with the sport watching excitement once the baby comes. I have to give him credit for really trying, but he just can't hold his love back for his teams.

So now that Hunter is 2 he's really been into doing everything we do. He loves to clean when I'm cleaning...

...and even when I'm not cleaning. I try to redirect him to his toys, but he just begs, "clean! clean!"

He also loves to wear our shoes around the house laughing hysterically the whole time. He helps with the laundry and the yard work and tries to put lotion and makeup on when I am - James can't wait for him to outgrow this one. And he especially loves to say everything that we say. He'll stand in front of the mirror, looking at himself sternly and wave his index finger boldy saying, "No! No! No! Stop!" (Yeah. That one made me feel really good.)

So you can imagine what trouble we are in for now that the Mavs are in the playoffs. Today during the game James was yelling at the Mavs or the refs or the Spurs or somebody while I was in the kitchen making dinner. I turn around as I hear Hunter yell, "Dang it!" He looked just like his father. Glaring at the tv. Jumping around the room in anger. And yelling "dang it!" Yes ladies and gentleman, our 2 year old son is already using inappropriate language...and he doesn't even have that much language that is intelligible. Good.

I gave James the eye, and then 20 seconds later spilled some of the waffle batter on the counter. Guess what I said? "Dang it!" Okay God. Point taken.

Here's a mild sample of James's Mavs watching. (I originally filmed this to show Hunter's face as he looks back and forth at his dad and the game, but the sun in the background pretty much blacked that out. The audio that you'll hear from James turned out to be even funnier though.)...

I know. Hysterical.


Anonymous said...

That's so funny! And I love the new background.

amy said...

Why are you trying to redirect to toys??? Get that kid cleaning. Not only is it a valuable skill to you but you could hire him out to clean other people's houses. :) :)