Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Deep Thoughts by Carole

So I'm not really a super deep person. I know that totally sounds like I'm insulting myself, but really I'm not. Not that I'm really shallow or stupid or anything. I'm just not the kind of person to sit and ponder over serious stuff like poverty or Calvinism or the writings of Nietzsche (I actually just had to google his name to make sure I was spelling it correctly. I am proud to say that I was only 1 letter off originally). I'd just rather laugh and talk about fun, lighthearted stuff.

BUT, this is one more way that little H has changed me. I am a little more complex now. I lay in bed ALL THE TIME - like every night people (for real) - and think about his future and how GREAT God is that He enabled James and I to make this little human, etc, etc.

Most recently I've been thinking about how amazing it is that babies are born with their own little personality - all so different. I know that might seem simple to most of you, but when you witness all of these little boys with such different behaviors it is amazing to me. (I'm sure my friend Laura would totally have in depth discussions with me on this - she's a behavioral psychologist. At least I know she gets me.)

We've been around a lot of babies in a compact time period over the last week so I've been able to watch all of the different little personalities. My friends watched Hunter for me last week while Hunter's Grandee was out of town and this weekend we went to Austin and stayed with our friends who have a son about 6 weeks younger than Hunter. Here's some pics of them (just to add to the cuteness factor of the post).

Hunter and Thomas at our playdate.

Hunter and Ronnie playing last week while my friend Carrie sat for me. She found my camera in my diaper bag and decided to document the day for me. Don't you just love that? She knows me too well.

Will and Hunter playing this weekend while we were in Austin (Aubrey's supervising.)

It's just amazing to me that at such a young age, all of these boys are so completely different. Every day that goes by in Hunter's life, I am more and more in awe of the Lord. What an amazing thing to watch your child learn and grow!

As a side note, I'm totally losing it. I just realized that last night I sealed a ton of our Christmas cards without signing them. So if your Christmas card from us is either torn open and re-taped shut or just not signed, blame it on all of my deep thoughts. They are totally distracting me from real life.


Katie said...

That's funny about forgetting to sign the Christmas cards. That's something I would do. I agree, it is so amazing how babies are born with their own little personalities. Hunter looks super cute in those pictures!

Trina said...

We need to talk!
