We had 2 things left on our summer fun list, and we crossed one off today...Dallas zoo! This summer has gone too fast, and I've worked too much! So I was thankful to have the day with the kids. The four of us headed out this morning and went straight for the carousel. The last time we went to the zoo, we tried to ride this and Grey was not having it, so I sat in the spinny nest thing with Char and Amelia. The minute he saw us walking toward it today, he started to get scared again. He fought me getting him out of his stroller and fought me putting him onto his horse. Then he looked like this the entire ride...

You can't see, but he had a death grip on me and would not let go! He started shaking when the ride started and had a look of terror on his face. I tried to soothe him with my, "Isn't it so fun!" and "Yay! The carousel!" comments. I'm not sure how well they worked, but he wasn't shaking by the end. He wasn't smiling either, though. This definitely makes me a little nervous for our Disney trip in November.
Charlotte loves to pose by these elephants...
Best group shot I could get...
We headed to the Giants of the Savana section first...
Then after seeing the elephants, giraffes, zebras, one leopard and attempting to see the lions (who are never visible when we're there), we headed to the other side. First stop, children's zoo...
The kids went straight for the water. Grey LOVED it. He sat down, fully clothed, and was soaked by the time I had to rip him away...and believe me he fought!
We ate lunch and saw the koalas and several other animals, including fighting a bee that was insistent on hanging around our stroller. Char and Hunter were not amused by him!
It was a great day! I'm sad summer's almost over, but the start of school is always exciting to me:) I'm a school nerd for sure. Love that I get to be the mother to these kids!