Sunday, December 7, 2014

Advent, Days 6 and 7

Saturday we went to the 12 Days of Christmas at the Arboretum.  The set up was really beautiful.  I think the first day was my favorite.  It had lots of sparkles and glitter, so of course I was drawn to it...
A Partridge in a Pear Tree

Two Turtle Doves...

Three French Hens...
(Our sweet Char has a new pose for every picture.  I love how she loves the camera!)

Four Calling Birds...

Then we ran into Santa.  There was a little path you followed and he was in between the Calling Birds and Golden Rings.  There was no line, and Grey has never had a picture with Santa, so we stopped.  Hunter wasn't thrilled about it.  He kind of begged me not stop, but then complied like only a firstborn can:)  He wouldn't really tell Santa what he wanted, though, so I filled in the blanks, and as we walked away, Hunter said, "That was awkward."  Cracked me up!  Love that kid. 

The picture turned out really cute...

Five Golden Rings...
Each of the stops had different music playing, and Char really liked this song, so she was dancing away in the photo!

Six Geese a Laying...

Seven Swans a Swimming...

Eight Maids a Milking...

Nine Ladies Dancing...

Ten Lords a Leaping...

Eleven Pipers Piping...

By Twelve Drummers Drumming everyone was pictured out, so we just took a photo of the little house...

We couldn't take a trip to the Arboretum without a stop in the children's garden, so we spent a little time there before leaving...

That afternoon Hunter had his first basketball game of the season.  I gave Charlotte my phone to play with during the game, and tonight realized she took pictures for me!  Hunter is number 1...

The Jazz won 14-12.  That's one more win than Hunter had last season, so he was really excited about it;)
Today we made plans to go to the KC Express, which is a little Christmas train that stops in downtown Wylie.  We had some friends come over, and we caravanned over there.  It was crazy, y'all.  The line went around the entire square or something.  I knew there was no way we were going to survive waiting in it and then it started sprinkling as we were walking (and walking and walking) to find the back of the line, so we decided to just head back to our house for dinner and a playdate.  The kids had just as much fun - or probably more!
The last 2 days our verses have focused on Elizabeth and Zechariah and the upcoming birth of John the Baptist.  I love, love, love Advent.  We are having a blast reviewing the history of Jesus' first coming.

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