Saturday, December 13, 2014

Advent, Days 11, 12, 13

Whew!  I'm tired.  Today was jam packed, and I just realized that we didn't even do our verses, Jesus ornament or pray for our Christmas card families (or even look at the ones we got in the mail) today.  We'll have double for tomorrow:)
Backing up to Thursday, we baked fudge to share with the neighbors.  I got to wear my fun Christmas apron for the first time...

Char came in and wanted to wear it, so I put my other one one:)...

I found this fun recipe on Pinterest of Christmas cookie cutter fudge...
It wasn't the easiest thing ever.  Pouring the fudge into those little shapes can get messy fast.  And after they've hardened and cooled, it's difficult to push them out.  Next time, we'll just pour it in a square pan:)

Char wanted to take a picture while we were baking...
So another picture of just me! 

We didn't finish the fudge in time to deliver it that night, so we took it over Friday night...
We had a great time chatting with our new neighbors!

Then it was time to get Charlotte ready for her Swingsters performance!  All of my pictures turned out blurry...
 She had a great time and looked great out there!

Charlotte and her friend, Macy, and their Swingster friend...

Then this morning, we headed to the Sachse parade...

 We had a lot of fun watching all of the floats and Sachse High School groups.  Vanesa marched with the Lariats, but I missed her, so I didn't get a picture.  Charlotte kept yelling, "She's the one in the Santa hat!" when I couldn't find her.  Vanesa was amidst a sea of drill teamers.  They were all in Santa hats. :)

Then Hunter's cub scout float came by...

We all kept yelling his name, but he was too busy singing and dancing to "Feliz Navidad" along with the music on his float to hear or see us:). You can see him singing here (he's holding the purple lollipop prop)...

Charlotte was excited that her school had a float, and her teacher, Mrs. Anderson, was on the it!

Then we had Hunter's second basketball game.  The Jazz lost 12-2 this time, but Hunter did a great job.  It was his best game yet...he was a great defender and was more aggressive than I've ever seen him.  We were so proud of him!

After a short rest at home, Charlotte and I headed to American Girl for Macy's birthday party.  The girls had so much fun...

We missed our reading for today, but the past couple of days, we've read about Mary's visit to Elizabeth.  What a gift those two must have been to each other during that special time in their lives.  God knows that women value connection with other women, so of course it was in his perfect plan to have these two experiencing these miraculous pregnancies together.  I'm sure they had many long conversations during those 3 months with each other.
Looking forward to catching up on our reading and praying tomorrow!

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