Saturday, December 14, 2013

Advent - Week Two

Our second week of Advent was just as crazy - maybe even crazier with Grey getting another ear infection 3 days after finishing antibiotics and Charlotte getting a fat lip AND ruptured ear drum.  But we still managed to have fun amidst all of that! 
Church was canceled on December 8th because of Icemageddon 2013, but we ventured out around lunch time to North Park to see the scrooge theater and whatever other festive things we could find.  Hunter was giddy to get out because he hadn't left the house since Thursday!  Grey was pretty excited, too...
Scrooge wasn't as funny this year, but the kids still had fun watching his little show.  We also watched some dancers that were performing, but they got a little provocative, so we quickly walked away to see this gingerbread town...
It was so cute, and the kids kept commenting on how yummy it smelled!

School was cancelled again on December 9th, so all 5 of us were home together again.  James worked from home and I had the day off, so I took the big kids to Target (separately) so they could buy gifts for each other.

Charlotte bought Hunter (drumroll)....

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles blow up "training" toys...

And Hunter bought Charlotte...

Some Frozen figurines...
 We heart Frozen!!

They immediately went to their rooms to play with their new toys...

After that first picture, Charlotte got annoyed with me watching her and asked me to leave;)...

December 10th, we made donut treats...
Snowmen and Reindeer!

Even Grey got a little taste and loved it!
That night, Charlotte was playing around with James and fell into the coffee table...
Poor girl:(  It looked even worse the next day, but finally started looking better on Friday.

On December 11th, we made lots of cookies together.  I didn't get any pictures because Wednesdays are already really busy, even without all the cookie making:)
The next day, we wrote a letter to Celeste, the child we sponsor through Compassion.  I pray that my children can see how blessed they are to live in this country of abundance, in a home where both parents are there to love them and teach them about Jesus and how much He loves them.  It is a blessing to be able to sponsor Celeste and pray for her to come to know Jesus as her Savior.
Last night we had some friends over for s'mores and hot chocolate and then headed over to our neighborhood train...

Because of Grey's ear infection, James stayed home with him while I took the big kids to ride the train with our friends.  They had a blast!  And this is the conversation in our car on the way home...
Hunter - "On the train, Ronnie and I were talking about what if the train exploded!  And we had to jump off!  And we'd yell really loud for our parents, and we might die if we didn't get away fast! 
Me - "Wow, I'm glad that didn't happen!  Charlotte, what did you and Amelia talk about?"
Charlotte - "We talked about what if we were princesses."
Love that!  The train man announced that this is his last year to do the train.  We are disappointed, but realize what a huge sacrifice it is for him to have done this the past 13 years!  We are so thankful for his generosity, and will be going back one more time before New Year's:)
Tonight, the plan was to go see Missle Toes at the Galleria.  The kids, especially Hunter, loved it last year...James and I did, too!  But by the time we got to the Galleria, the traffic was INSANE.  I was expecting it to be crowded, but it was the worst I've ever seen.  And the parking garage was completely full.  So, we went with plan B (which we had actually been talking about working in as an activity tomorrow, anyway)...going to Christmas Journey at First Baptist McKinney.  The entire thing took about an hour and a half (we waited for 45 minutes in line to get through the the car, though;)).  It was really well done, and I highly recommend it...but maybe not if you have an infant in the car.  I had to take him out of his carseat and hold him while we were waiting, and then again all through the Journey.  I'm definitely glad we went, though.  Char asked lots of great questions, and it was good for them to see the things we talk about so much acted out in real life.

I wasn't able to take any pictures of the actors, because I was holding Grey the entire you'll have to go check it out yourself tomorrow!  Much better than Missle Toes, in my opinion!  It was a welcome reminder to me of how precious Jesus is.  I am so blessed to know His love.

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